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Lebenslauf: Dr Bernd Weber

Professional career

Since 01/2021

Energy and Climate Policy and Innovation Council (EPICO KlimaInnovation), Berlin, Founder and Managing Director

  • Establishing and directing an independent think tank to develop concepts, strategies and narratives for an energy and climate policy based on markets and innovation
  • Conceiving and directing key publications of the think tank such as the study “Reality-Check of the German Hydrogen Strategy“ (with Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation), “Roadmap towards a Decarbonized Electricity Market” (with Aurora Energy Research Oxford), “Digital CO2-Certificates for the Sustainable Transformation of the European Economy” (with Fraunhofer FIT)
  • Conceiving and directing the agile design-thinking process “Policy Accelerator for Climate Innovation” with more than 40 experts from politics, business (incl. start-ups), academia, civil society, and 20 high-level “challenger” (series of 12 workshops)
  • Coordinating and aligning a high-level advisory board composed of 20 decision-makers from politics, business, academia, civil society

01/2015 – 12/2020

Economic Council (Wirtschaftsrat), Berlin

Director Industry, Energy, Environment (Head of Department till 12/2016 and Policy Advisor till 12/2015)

  • Directing the strategy on the federal and European level to advance the policy agenda in the fields of industry, energy and environment
  • Aligning and steering the Expert Committees on Energy Policy, Energy Efficiency, Environment, Mobility, and the Industry Council composed of decision-makers from politics and C-Level executives
  • Representing the Wirtschaftsrat in negotiations and conferences
  • Track record as expert: design of the Renewable Energy Innovation tender, incorporation of proposals in parliamentary, government decisions
  • Directing the agenda and implementation of the yearly summit “Convention on Energy and Environmental Policy” with leading decision-makers from business and German and European politics (i.a. Peter Altmaier, Kadri Simson, Martin Brudermüller, Roland Busch)

Founder and Director European Energy Lab 2030

  • Conceiving and directing an agile design-thinking process with more than 60 stakeholders from politics, business, and academia
  • Gaining and including the support of decision-makers such as Maroš Šefčovič
  • Conceiving and directing publications of the think tank such as the lead study “Digital Realtime Energy System” and “Innovative Energy Transition”

01/2016 – 01/2018

Centre de Recherches Internationales (CERI), Sciences Po, Paris, Research Associate

  • Research project “External Energy Governance and Renewable Energies in the Neighbourhood“
  • Cooperation with scholars from CERI

9/2013 – 1/2015

Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, Doctoral Fellow of the Oxford-Sciences Po Research Group (OXPO)

  • Research project “The decentring of EU external energy policy in the neighbourhood”
  • Cooperation with scholars from the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Academic Mentor: Prof. Kalypso Nicolaïdis

7/2013 – 8/2013

Université Alger - Ben Aknoûn, Visiting Doctoral Researcher

  • Cooperation with leading researchers on EU-Algeria energy relations, Algeria’s gas market, policies, and legislation
  • Conducting qualitative expert interviews with major public and private actors

3/2013 6/2013

The Caucasus Research Resource Centers, Visiting Doctoral Researcher

  • Cooperation with the EU Delegation in Azerbaijan and leading researchers on EU-Azerbaijan energy relations, Azerbaijan’s gas market, policies, and legislation
  • Conducting qualitative expert interviews with major public and private actors

01/2013 – 12/2020

Sciences Po, Paris/Dijon/Nancy, Centre International de Formation Européenne (CIFE), Berlin, University Lecturer (Bachelor and Master-level)

  • Courses: “The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and its variable geometry in the East and in the South“, “The EU and Member States and the challenges of a changing energy map“, “The EU's External Energy Policy in the neighbourhood“, “The EU's external Energy Policy towards Azerbaijan“


09/2011 – 01/2016

Centre de Recherches Internationales, Sciences Po, Paris, PhD in Political Science/International Relations, Summa Cum Laude

  • Thesis: “The EU’s external energy policy and the strategic neighbouring gas producers Azerbaijan and Algeria”
  • Doctoral supervisor: Prof. Dr. François Bafoil
  • Conducting qualitative expert interviews with more than 100 major public and private actors in 8 countries

10/2005 ­– 02/2011

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Munich, Magister Artium (M.A.) in Political Science (major), Summa Cum Laude

  • Thesis on „Effectivness of the European Neighbourhood Policy in the Eastern Dimension regarding Energy Security and Justice and Home Affairs" Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Weidenfeld

04/2006 – 03/2010

  • Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Munich, Certificate in EU studies with focus on Environmental Policy, Summa Cum Laude


  • Oxford-Sciences Po Research Group (OXPO), Doctoral Research Fellowship
  • Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS), Dissertation Scholarship
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Munich, Award for the best M.A.-Graduates

Publications (selection)

  • Reality-Check der Nationalen Wasserstoffstrategie: Erforderliche Rahmenbedingungen zur Implementierung der Wasserstoffstrategie der Bundesregierung“, EPICO KlimaInnovation/Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung-Study, with Dantine, D./Reh, R. (2021 i. E.).
  • “Spinning Jenny zum Quadrat“ in: Politische Meinung, 568, (2021)
  • Leitstudie Echtzeit-Energiewirtschaft – Bausteine für ein marktwirtschaftliches Zielmodell, Wirtschaftsrat, with Strüker, J. et al. (2019)
  • “The European Neighbourhood Policy and Energy” in: Schumacher, T. / Demmelhuber, T. / Marchetti, A. (Hg.) The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy. Oxon, Oxford, London: Routledge (2018).
  • „Marktwirtschaftliche Neuausrichtung des Strommarktes und des EEG” in: TREND – Magazin für Soziale Marktwirtschaft, 146 (2017).
  • “Convergence at the borderline: EU external energy governance towards the neighbouring gas suppliers” in: Politique Européenne, 46 (4) (2015).
  • “The Limits of Europeanisation in the field of Energy” in: Beslay C. / Zélem, M.C. (Hg.): Sociologie de l’énergie Gouvernance et pratiques sociales. Paris: Edition CNRS, with Bafoil, F. (2015).
  • “Les temporalités de l’européanisation” in: Temporalités, 19, with Bafoil, F. (2014).
  • The Limits of Convergence with EU Energy Norms in the Neighbourhood, Oxford-Sciences Po Research Group Working Paper (2014).
  • “The EU’s External Energy Policy Towards Azerbaijan: Success Or Failure?” in: EUCERS London, Newsletter, 32 (2014).
  • “Legislative organization and executive success rate at the subnational level: a comparison of Brazil and Germany, 1990-2010“ in Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos Legislativos, 1 (1), with Praça, S. (2014).
  • “The Evaluation of the EU’s Neighbourhood Policies – How to measure the effectiveness of External Europeanisation?” in: Ratka, E. / Spaiser, O. (Hg.): Understanding European Neighbourhoods Policies. Concepts, Actors, Perceptions. Baden-Baden: NOMOS (2012).
  • “Die Effektivität der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik in ihrer östlichen Dimension in den Politikbereichen Energiesicherheit und innere Sicherheit“ in: Münchner Beiträge zur Politkwissenschaft, 2 (2012).
  • Europe’s Neighbourhood between Conditionality, Network governance and Bargaining, CERI-Sciences Po Study (2009)


  • “Schlüsselfaktoren für den Aufbruch in die Wasserstoffwirtschaft“, Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Gas 2021, Berlin, 27.-28.10.2021
  • “Building Blocks for a Market-Based Target Model for a Real-time Energy Economy”, Workshop of the European Political Strategy Centre, EC, Brussels, 11.9.2019.
  • “Vorstellung der Leitstudie Digitale Echtzeit-Energiewirtschaft”, Arbeitsgruppe Wirtschaft und Energie, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin, 25.6.2019
  • “The Next Phase of an Integrated Energy Transition in Germany and Europe”, Workshop der École Nationale d’Administration (ENA): Energy Transition – Perspectives from Germany, Paris/Berlin, 31.5.2017 – 4.6.2017.
  • “Politics of Incentivizing and Regulating Renewable Energy”, Good Governance and Energy Transition: Second Conference on Energy Transition in Latin America and Germany, Montevideo, 5.10.2016.
  • “Europe at the Crossroads“, Oxford German Forum 2014: Merton College, Oxford, 01.11.2014.
  • “The EU’s external energy policy towards the neighbourhood”, Visiting Fellows Seminar, European Studies Centre, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 05.02.2014.
  • “The effectiveness of the EU’s external energy governance. Collective action and Europeanisation”, 5th Graduate Network Conference, LSE, London, 25-27.03.2013.
  • “Models of Europeanisation and the issue of energy between the EU, its members and neighbours”, 1st International Colloquium on the Sociology of Energy, CERTOP-CNRS, Toulouse, 25-26.10.2012.