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Offshore Title

Policy Brief: Connecting Borders Through Offshore Hydrogen: Infrastructure and Financing in the North Sea

This Policy Brief provides actionable recommendations for enhancing regional cooperation in the North Sea and incentivising domestic offshore hydrogen production.

Cover_Capacity_Market Image: Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel

Policy Report: Central vs. hybrid capacity markets: What’s in it for flexibility?

EPICO released a new analysis, conducted in collaboration with Aurora, on Germany’s energy market.

Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash Image: Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

Policy Paper: How can hydrogen fuel climate-neutral aviation in the EU?

This Policy Paper provides concrete recommendations to scale up the use of hydrogen in the aviation sector.

cover_photo_flex paper Image: Photo by Zak on Unsplash

Policy Report: Accelerating a technology-neutral flexibility strategy for the German market

This policy report highlights the need for an integrated approach to increasing flexibility in Germany's electricity market.

Cover Board Paper Image: Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Strategy Paper: Accelerating EU industry competitiveness: Paving the way for the next policy cycle

Picture publication

Policy Paper: An Industrial Agenda to Increase Germany's Energy Resilience


Policy Brief: CCS and Climate Neutrality

Developing a Pathway for Germany


Policy Brief: Piloting the Climate Club in the Steel Sector: Focus on the Quick Wins, Create a Safe Space for Dialogue


Publication: EU Hydrogen Diplomacy in Africa and the Middle East: A Just Regional Energy Transition

A climate and energy policy framework based on the dynamics of competition and innovation is the key to mitigating CO2 and other greenhouse gases reliably and efficiently. With this approach, environmental and climate protection can be combined with the goals of economic growth and a socially just and equitable transition.

EPICO KlimaInnovation develops sustainable, market-based and innovation-oriented strategies for climate neutrality which are anchored to socially just and equitable transformations, and contributes to their implementation.
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We are a think tank that advances constructive climate and energy policies with clear concepts and viable, balanced solutions. We will develop sound positions and analyses, develop arguments and narratives, and make our ideas widely accessible through our publications.
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We create a network that brings together key actors in climate and energy policy to set and implement a socially broad-based agenda.
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We offer a platform for actors from politics, business, science and civil society to engage, consult, contribute, and advance solution-oriented approaches.


Statements from our Advisory Board

Portrait von Andreas Jung

Chairman of the advisory board

Climate protection is a question of existence for mankind and nature; at the same time, technological leadership is the guarantee of survival for the German economy. The reconciliation of ecology, economy and social issues through sustainable growth must therefore become concrete. We must pursue the 1.5 degree target with a binding regulatory framework for massively accelerated innovations. EPICO KlimaInnovation will develop credible concepts for this purpose.
Portrait von Cornelia Quennet-Thielen

Former State Secretary

Achieving sustainability through social and technological innovations must be at the core of an ambitious climate policy in view of the 1.5 degree target. I look forward to the inputs from EPICO Climate Innovation.
Portrait von Dr. Rolf Martin Schmitz

Chairman of the Board, RWE AG

Our world is becoming increasingly complex, interconnected and political. It is good to have a structured platform for networking and neutral knowledge transfer. And this on the foundation of the conviction that the market and market-based instruments usually produce the better solutions.
Portrait von Prof. Christoph M. Schmidt

President of the RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research

In order to orient Germany and Europe towards climate neutrality in just a few decades, we must succeed in pursuing this goal without compromise on the one hand, while at the same time safeguarding the economic performance of our national economy and the coherence of our society. The key is to embed the goal of sustainability in our liberal, social and market-based economic and social order.
Portrait Nadine Schön

Deputy Chairwoman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag

On the way to Green Zero, we need drive, courage and innovation. For me, digitalization and sustainability are two sides of the same coin. Whether it is smart innovations or more efficient resource management: I look forward to developing joint concepts for a digital climate and sustainability policy at EPICO.
Portrait Lukas Köhler

Spokesman for Climate Policy of the FDP Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag

Climate protection is the goal - innovation and technological progress the way to achieve it. To promote both, market-based instruments are needed to ensure that we reach the 1.5 degree target without having to sacrifice economic growth and well-being. The strategies developed by EPICO can make an important contribution to this.
Portrait von Klaus Schäfer

Chief Technology Officer, Covestro AG

Openness to technology, innovative strength and competitiveness are central pillars of a successful climate policy. EPICO KlimaInnovation brings this urgently needed perspective to the political discussion in order to successfully achieve our common goal of climate neutrality.
Portrait von Stefan Kapferer

Chief Executive Officer, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH

Too often, we have relied primarily on command and control approaches in the climate-friendly conversion of our energy systems. This often results in guard rails but rarely in real innovation. This is where EPICO KlimaInnovation can fill a gap with an approach that relies more on the creativity of the actors.
Portrait von Andree Groos

Managing Director, Vaillant Group

Climate protection and economic growth are not contradictory. Energy efficiency and the increased use of renewable energies are the decisive factors for conserving resources and reducing CO2 emissions despite growth. For this, we need a market-based framework and openness to technology.

Our dynamic team is breaking new ground, because innovations for climate neutrality need an agile and integrated approach.

Portrait Parul Kumar

Deputy Executive Director / Director Climate

Sam Williams

EU Policy Manager Energy and Climate


EU Policy Specialist Industrial Decarbonisation

Ingrid Website

Policy Specialist Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems


EU Media and Communications Specialist

Portrait von Dr. Hubertus Bardt

Associated Senior Advisor Energy and Industry Managing Director and Head of the Science Department, Cologne Institute for Economic Research

Portrait Prof. Karsten Neuhoff

Associated Senior Advisor Climate and Energy, Professor of Energy and Climate Policy, Technical University of Berlin Head of Climate Policy Department, German Institute for Economic Research

Portrait von Prof. Jens Strüker

Associated Senior Advisor Digital Energy, Professor of Business Informatics and Digital Energy Management, University of Bayreuth Head of the Fraunhofer Blockchain Lab

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