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Policy Accelerator 2022: Workshop Energy-Market Design

Design-Sprint Workshop Market Design for a Climate Neutral Energy System

During the third workshop of the Policy Accelerator for Climate Innovation 2022 on June 14 and 15 we addressed the German government's push to achieve near-complete decarbonization of the power sector by 2035. The question arose as to how the regulatory framework can be reformed to ensure a climate-neutral energy system with sufficient flexibility and thus security of supply.

With the help of a small group of experts, as known as challengers” from politics, business and academia; the team discussed among other things, the idea of a decentralized capacity market in a future market design for a climate-neutral energy system and the local value of electricity in a new energy market design. The challengers included Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel, Chair of Environmental/Resource Economics and Sustainability, Ruhr University Bochum; Dr. Markus Pieper MEP, Parliamentary Business Manager of the CDU/CSU Group in the European Parliament; Dr. Ingrid Nestle MdB, Spokesperson for Climate Protection and Energy, Bündnis90/Die Grünen and Ed Birkett, Head of Energy & Climate, Onward.

We would like to thank our content partner Hanns Koenig, Head of Commissioned Projects, Aurora Energy Research as well as Silvana Tiedemann, PhD Candidate, Hertie School; Dr. Julia Badeda, Head of Department Hybrid Energy and Battery Storage Systems, ABO Wind AG; Dr. Lukas Schmidt, Head of Corporate Strategy, EON Group and Lukas Schmidt, Consultant for Energy Technology and New Markets, ARGE Netz.
