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Policy Accelerator 2022: Workshop Hydrogen Import Strategy

Design-Sprint Workshop Hydrogen Import Strategy

During the second workshop of the Policy Accelerator for Climate Innovation 2022 on June 13 and 14, 2022, we addressed the pressing issue of a German, but also European, hydrogen import strategy. Particularly in this context of the current energy crisis, pragmatism and speed are important for an accelerated ramp-up of a hydrogen economy.

With the help of a small group of selected experts, as well as well-known “challengers” from politics, business and science; the team discussed the possible elements needed to create and implement a new import strategy for hydrogen, including clear coordination at both national and European levels. The challengers included Dr. Stefan Kaufmann, Innovation Officer "Green Hydrogen", Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); Dr. Sopna Sury, COO Hydrogen, RWE Generation SE; Dr. Thomas Gößmann , Chairman of the Management Board, Thyssengas GmbH; Jan Braun, Project Manager Hydrogen Economy MENA, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE; Dr. Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, Senior Energy Advisor in the European & Competition Law Practice, Baker McKenzie and Gniewomir Fils, Associate, Energy Revolution Ventures.

Thanks to Dr. Corinna Klessmann, Director for Energy Policy, Guidehouse Energy Germany GmbH as our content partner as well as Dr. Sebastian Vogel, Head of Hydrogen-Strategy, RWE Power AG / RWE Generation SE; Joseph Engelhart, Chief Investment Officer, Allianz X GmbH and Jaro Blanke, Hydrogen Market Development Officer, Thyssengas GmbH, for the intensive exchange and valuable collaboration.

H2-Importstrategie Sprint Workshop