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What Future for Steelmaking in the EU? - In Person Event

Title of the event, with steel plant in the background.

06 March 2025 12:15 – 17:00

Press Club, Rue Froissart 95, Brussels

Register HERE.

The European Commission has outlined ambitious legislative proposals, including the Clean Industrial Deal and the Steel and Metals Action Plan, to establish an enabling framework for industries to decarbonise while navigating the complexities of an increasingly competitive global landscape. Yet, critical challenges remain. Hydrogen, the indispensable cornerstone for achieving near-zero emissions in ore-based steel production, is not being produced at scale, with key projects facing cancellations. Concurrently, shrinking demand, escalating competition, and persistently high energy prices are leading to mothballed steel mills and delayed decarbonisation strategies. Achieving the transition of all current BF-BOF production to H2-DRI would necessitate approximately 300 TWh of fossil-free electricity—posing an unprecedented transformative challenge for the industry.

Against this backdrop, national and EU policymakers must address policy inefficiencies and forge a cohesive vision of resilience and competitiveness. This panel discussion will explore how to reconcile the decarbonisation of ore- and scrap-based steelmaking considering fiscal realities, strategic priorities, employment imperatives, and geopolitical considerations.

Programme of the day

12:15 - 13:00 Registration and Lunch

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome remarks by Julian Parodi, Policy Specialist, EPICO KlimaInnovation

13:05 - 13:15 Keynote Speech: "The importance of a more European industrial policy and the potential of the Clean Industrial Deal"

  • Brigitte van ben Berg, MEP

13:15 - 13:25 Keynote Speech: "The EU's role in driving steel decarbonisation and innovation"

  • Alexandre Paquot, Director, Innovation for a Low Carbon Resilient Economy, DG CLIMA, European Commission

13:25 - 14:25 Panel Discussion: "What does resilience mean for primary steelmaking and how much hydrogen is needed?"

  • Axel Eggert, Director General, EUROFER
  • Ola Hansén, Public Affairs Director, Stegra
  • Lukas Wernert, Hydrogen Team Leader, DG ENER, European Commission
  • Anais Faucher, Policy Adviser, SolarPower Europe
  • Julian Parodi, Policy Specialist, EPICO KlimaInnovation (moderator)

14:25 - 14:40 Coffee Break

14:40 - 15:40 Panel Discussion "Improving circularity in the steel sector: challenges and opportunities"

  • Julia Ettinger, Secretary General, EuRIC
  • Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea, Director, Circular Economy, DG ENV, European Commission
  • Xavier Le Den, Market Director, Ramboll
  • Alexandre Marin, European Affairs Manager, RIVA Group
  • Parul Kumar, Deputy Executive Director, EPICO KlimaInnovation (moderator)

15:40 - 15:50 Closing remarks by Parul Kumar, Deputy Executive Director, EPICO KlimaInnovation

16:00 - 17:00 Networking reception and drinks