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Online Panel Discussion: Climate-Neutral Aviation: What's the Role of Hydrogen?

Cleverreach aviation

2 October 2024 - 11:00 - 12:00 (CEST)
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Europe's airspace is one of the busiest globally, supporting over 5 million jobs and contributing €300 billion annually. However, aviation emissions have risen from 1.5% of the EU total in 1990 to 5% in 2019, with demand expected to double by 2050. With aviation included in the EU Emissions Trading System since 2012, recent reforms are enforcing stricter emission limits, compelling the industry to adopt Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) as the main recipe for decarbonisation. The implementation of the EU’s Refuel Aviation Regulation in 2024 mandates an increase in SAF usage, starting at 2% in 2025 and escalating to 70% by 2050, including a significant integration of synthetic fuels.

SAFs require hydrogen in multiple ways. BioSAF uses hydrogen for hydrogenation, while eSAF uses carbon monoxide and hydrogen with metal catalysts to produce fuel. Hydrogen can also be used through fuel cells and direct combustion.

This online panel discussion marks the end of EPICO's sustainable aviation project and the official launch of our Policy Paper. Panellists will address the challenges associated with hydrogen, the regulatory landscape, and the potential to reduce CO2 and non-CO2 emissions in the aviation sector.

Download the programme & agenda.



Dave Keating
Brussels Correspondent and Moderator

Presentation of EPICO's Paper: "How can hydrogen fuel climate-neutral aviation in the EU?"

Holly Attwell
Energy Policy Specialist, EPICO KlimaInnovation


Jane Amilhat
Head of Unit, DG RTD, European Commission

Hildegard Bentele

Nathalie Errard
Senior Vice-President, Head of EU Affairs, Aribus

Closing Remarks

Bernd Weber
CEO & Founder, EPICO KlimaInnovation